Friday, August 16, 2013

Michelle Fairley be returning for Season Four of Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones dvd australia ended with the biggest bang, killing off Robb Stark, Talisa and Catelyn Stark in what is now known the world over as 'The Red Wedding' a dramatic moment that saw our heroes die, however one might be returning to the world of the living (sort of). Be warned there be spoilers ahead.

Game of Thrones season

In the books Thoros of Myr and Beric Dondarrion happen across Catelyn Stark's body, and eventually the mother of the world's unluckiest family is back alive, albeit slightly pale and unable to speak leading her to be named Lady Stoneheart. It is Lady Stoneheart that could see Michelle Fairley return to HBO's hit series.

However, Fairley who was recently snubbed by the Emmy awards despite being several people's, including my favourite for the Best Supporting Actress nod has recently addressed the issue of her dramatic resurrection. But what did she have to say when asked about it at Comic-Con?

It's also worth taking into account that Catelyn Stark and Lady Stoneheart are completely different characters so it wouldn't be that much of a lie to say that Catelyn is definitely dead. But alas like Strong Belwas it's possible that she'll just be cut out altogether, which would be a crying shame, and would rob the Starks and the audience of some much needed revenge against the dastardly Freys.

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