This show ended right before it jumped the shark, IMO. When all the characters were in high school, all the scheming and conniving seemed very slick and somehow mature. It fit in with the characters. It even worked when they were all in their first years of college, but then it just got old. I'm all for the willing suspension of disbelief, but I find it hard to believe that out of a group of 5 super privileged children, not a one of them finished college, but they all managed to get amazing jobs. Heck I found it a little hard to believe that any of them got into college, since they appeared to spend about 10 minutes a day in school. The show had lost its mojo and found it again a little with the Blair and the Prince storyline, but then lost it pretty quick.
However, the series finale was worth it. And what a shocker the identity of gossip girl was.....I have to say it was something I never in a million years saw coming. That alone was worth the $1.99 to watch the series finale. Too many series finales leave everything open (Sopranos), or make it completely confusing (Lost) and that just feels wrong, the Gossip Girl series finale did a great job of wrapping it all up with a nice little bow and I loved it. And they did something else I love, which was to sort of do an epilouge type thing where you get to catch up with the characters five years late. I haven't seen that done often, but I do love it, especially in a show like this one.
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